Connecticut Power of Attorney Templates
The Connecticut Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows a person to choose someone to represent them financially and with other matters. An individual, “the principal,” designates another individual, “the agent,” to act on their behalf, creating a legal relationship between the two parties.
The Connecticut Uniform Power of Attorney Act is the law governing the use of power of attorney in Connecticut. This article will explain Connecticut’s various types of powers of attorney.
Connecticut Durable Power of Attorney
Unless otherwise specified, all Connecticut powers of attorney are considered durable. A durable power of attorney remains valid if the principal loses the capacity to make decisions.
A power of attorney in Connecticut will remain valid even if you can no longer give your agent instructions. Older powers of attorney and those from other states may include a clause that explicitly states it will remain effective if the principal becomes incompetent or disabled. However, Connecticut no longer requires this clause.
Connecticut General Power of Attorney
The Connecticut General power of attorney allows you to select an agent to manage financial matters on your behalf. Connecticut law requires the person to act in your best interest.
Naming someone as your power of attorney will give them access to your financial records; therefore, you must choose someone you trust. This document is no longer valid if you become incapacitated and can no longer think for yourself.
Connecticut Limited Power of Attorney
A limited POA provides an agent the capability and legal authority to perform defined actions on behalf of the principal for a specified amount of time. Connecticut’s limited power of attorney becomes void once the agent has performed the duties specified in a power of attorney or the document expires.
Connecticut Medical Power of Attorney
The Connecticut Medical Power of Attorney or Appointment of Health Care Representative gives an agent the ability to make medical decisions on the principal’s behalf if the principal can no longer do so because of unconsciousness, trauma, or another condition that stops them from communicating their healthcare decisions.
This Connecticut Power of Attorney must be signed before two witnesses and designated to be valid.
Connecticut Minor (Child) Power of Attorney
The Connecticut Minor Power of Attorney allows a parent or legal guardian to designate a non-parent to act as their child’s temporary caregiver. The caregiver will typically have parental rights for six months to one year, although Connecticut law does not limit the duration of a power of attorney.